Designing and showing your assignments

Designing and showing your assignment writing task accurately is significant on the grounds that practically all assignments incorporate imprints for introduction. This may incorporate imprints for things, for example, organizing and design, word check, APA referencing, composing style, language structure and spelling.

Before you start your task:

Check your learning materials, the course page, messages from your teacher or the task question for how it ought to be displayed.

Peruse the directions cautiously, and ensure you get them and tail them precisely.

In case you're not clear about what's necessary email your teacher. You could telephone yet it's smarter to have a record of the appropriate response.

A few speakers accept that understudies will realize how to present work of the necessary standard or quality and don't give explicit guidelines. If so, pursue the general rules beneath.

General rules for electronic entries

Record position

Most assignments need ought to be composed utilizing MS Word. In the event that you don't have MS Word go to Office 365 in My Open Polytechnic to download and get to your free form.

Assignments can be submitted one of the accompanying document designs: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx or .rtf.

Try not to submit html documents, site pages, CAD records, Visio (.vsd), PowerPoint (.ppt), PDF s (.pdf) or compress documents except if these are explicitly required for your course.

In case you don't know about the document configuration required contact your teacher.

Textual styles

Utilize a reasonable, discernible, sans serif text style, for example, Verdana, Calibri, Tahoma or Arial, and be reliable and utilize a similar textual style all through.

Utilize dark content on a white foundation. Stay away from hued foundations or content in a shading other than dark except if you have unique authorization to utilize them (for instance, in case you're dyslexic).

Utilize 11 or 12 point for the body of your task.


Utilize 1.5 or twofold dividing and genuinely wide edges. This leaves space for the marker's remarks.

Leave a clear line between sections.

In the event that the inquiries are short, leave a clear line between each question. On the off chance that they are long, start each question on another page.

Left-legitimize your work (otherwise called left-adjusted). Square supported (flush left and right) may look clean, however it's harder to peruse as it can bring about holes between words.


Utilize intense for headings. Not underlining or italics.

Papers don't for the most part require subheadings; reports typically do.

Cover sheet

Most assignments require a cover sheet, which ought to incorporate the accompanying:

the title and number of the task

the course number and name

the due date

your complete name and understudy number.

This data ought to be focused, beginning roughly 33% of the route down the page.


Number all pages aside from the cover sheet.

Tables and figures must be numbered and obviously named. Table subtitles are set over the table, while inscriptions for a figures go beneath the figure.

Try not to number the things in a reference list.

Headers and footers

Supplement a header or footer on each page (aside from the cover sheet). It ought to contain:

your name (last name, first name/s)

your understudy number

the course number

the task number

the page number.

Word tally

Incorporate a word tally (the quantity of words in your task) toward the finish of the task, before the references and informative supplements. Your task ought not over 10% under or over the recommended word check. Keep in mind that the title/cover sheet, reference rundown and informative supplements are excluded in the word tally.

A few evaluations have word limits - it would be ideal if you perused our Assessment Word Limit Policy to comprehend the potential punishments for surpassing as far as possible.

The reference rundown comes toward the finish of the task, and should begin another page named 'References'.

Reference sections are utilized for data that:

is too long to even think about including in the body of your assignment writing task, or

enhancements or supplements the data you are giving.

Start every supplement (if pertinent) on another page. On the off chance that there's only one reference section name it 'Informative supplement' without a number, however in the event that there are more than one name them Appendix An, Appendix B, and so forth. In the primary content of your task, allude to the Appendix by the mark, for example Reference section A.

Tops and bottoms of pages

Check the top and base of your pages to guarantee they stay away from:

widows - single lines of content at the highest point of a page

vagrants - first lines of passages at the base of a page

gravestones - headings or subheadings alone at the base of a page

split records – records that are isolated between two pages (if conceivable).


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